Thumbnail Tepig
Pokedex Number # 498
Generation 5
Type Fire Fire 

The 10 Most Valuable Tepig Pokemon Cards?

Want to know the best cards to pull for Tepig. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Tepig.

Tepig (Cosmos Holo)

Tepig Cosmos Holo

$3.11 82.94%

Tepig (15)

Tepig 15

$2.06 347.83%
1 Tepig (Cosmos Holo) Tepig Cosmos Holo League & Championship Cards Promo $3.11 82.94%
2 Tepig (15) Tepig 15 Black and White Common $2.06 347.83%
3 Tepig (BW02) Tepig BW02 Black and White Promos Holo Rare $1.57 103.90%
4 Tepig (BW07) Tepig BW07 Black and White Promos Holo Rare $0.91 89.58%

Tepig Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Tepig. Complete with prices and trends.

Starter Figure Boxes: Terrific Tepig Box

Starter Figure Boxes Terrific Tepig Box


BW Sneak-Peek Tin [Tepig]

BW Sneak Peek Tin Tepig

— 0%

Fusion Strike Single Pack Blister [Tepig]

Fusion Strike Single Pack Blister Tepig
