Thumbnail Metagross
Pokedex Number # 376
Generation 3
Type Steel Steel  Psychic Psychic 

The 10 Most Valuable Metagross Pokemon Cards?

Want to know the best cards to pull for Metagross. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Metagross.

Metagross ex

Metagross ex

$96.00 167.04%

Metagross (Team Plasma)(Staff Prerelease)

Metagross Team PlasmaStaff Prerelease

$80.49 1.00%

Metagross Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Metagross. Complete with prices and trends.

Mega Metagross EX Premium Collection

Mega Metagross EX Premium Collection

— 0%

Ancient Origins Theme Deck - "Iron Tide" [Metagross]

Ancient Origins Theme Deck Iron Tide Metagross


Hidden Fates Poke Ball Collection [Shiny Metagross]

Hidden Fates Poke Ball Collection Shiny Metagross


Metagross (Team Plasma)(Staff Prerelease) Metagross Team PlasmaStaff Prerelease Metagross Team PlasmaStaff Prerelease Black and White Promos Holo Rare $80.49 1.00%
M Metagross EX (Shiny) M Metagross EX Shiny M Metagross EX Shiny XY Promos Promo $26.54 253.87%
Metagross EX (Shiny) Metagross EX Shiny Metagross EX Shiny XY Promos Promo $16.97 248.46%
Metagross (Team Plasma)(Prerelease) Metagross Team PlasmaPrerelease Metagross Team PlasmaPrerelease Black and White Promos Holo Rare $18.11 667.37%
M Metagross EX - XY35 (XY Black Star Promo) M Metagross EX XY35 XY Black Star Promo M Metagross EX XY35 XY Black Star Promo Jumbo Cards Promo $13.99 -30.02%
Metagross Metagross Metagross POP Series 1 Rare $3.14 90.30%
Metagross Metagross Metagross Unleashed Holo Rare $2.69 295.59%
Metagross Metagross Metagross Supreme Victors Holo Rare $3.52 262.89%
Metagross (DP Legends Awakened) Metagross DP Legends Awakened Metagross DP Legends Awakened Deck Exclusives Rare $0.61 -4.69%
Metagross Metagross Metagross Legends Awakened Holo Rare $6.44 183.70%
Metagross (Delta Species) Metagross Delta Species Metagross Delta Species Delta Species Holo Rare $39.48 88.27%
Metagross (EX Hidden Legends) Metagross EX Hidden Legends Metagross EX Hidden Legends Deck Exclusives Rare $0.59 -31.40%
Metagross Metagross Metagross Hidden Legends Holo Rare $25.55 809.25%
Metagross Metagross Metagross Deoxys Holo Rare $27.73 859.52%
Metagross Metagross Metagross Undaunted Rare $1.30 73.33%
Metagross (XY Ancient Origins) Metagross XY Ancient Origins Metagross XY Ancient Origins Deck Exclusives Holo Rare $1.35 35.00%
Metagross (49) Metagross 49 Metagross 49 Ancient Origins Rare $0.41 32.26%
Metagross (50) Metagross 50 Metagross 50 Ancient Origins Rare $1.92 380.00%
Metagross (Team Plasma) Metagross Team Plasma Metagross Team Plasma Plasma Freeze Holo Rare $3.62 448.48%
Metagross GX Metagross GX Metagross GX Guardians Rising Ultra Rare $1.83 -9.41%
Metagross ex Metagross ex Metagross ex Hidden Legends Ultra Rare $96.00 167.04%
Metagross Metagross Metagross Celestial Storm Holo Rare $0.75 50.00%
Metagross (Prerelease Kit Exclusive) Metagross Prerelease Kit Exclusive Metagross Prerelease Kit Exclusive Deck Exclusives Rare $0.30 50.00%
Metagross - 95/168 (League Promo) Metagross 95 168 League Promo Metagross 95 168 League Promo League & Championship Cards Promo $0.45 73.08%
Metagross ex Metagross ex Metagross ex Power Keepers Ultra Rare $50.71 166.61%
Metagross V Metagross V Metagross V Chilling Reign Ultra Rare $0.67 -83.08%
Metagross Star Metagross Star Metagross Star Delta Species Ultra Rare $0.00 -100.00%
Metagross VMAX Metagross VMAX Metagross VMAX Chilling Reign Ultra Rare $1.65 -83.35%
Metagross - 115/162 Metagross 115 162 Metagross 115 162 Temporal Forces Uncommon $0.06 -85.00%
Metagross Metagross Metagross Vivid Voltage Rare $0.15 -40.00%
Metagross Metagross Metagross Silver Tempest Holo Rare $0.26 -59.38%
Metagross GX (Full Art) Metagross GX Full Art Metagross GX Full Art Guardians Rising Ultra Rare $4.43 59.35%
Metagross GX - 157a/145 Metagross GX 157a 145 Metagross GX 157a 145 Alternate Art Promos Promo $12.74 99.69%
Metagross GX (Secret) Metagross GX Metagross GX Guardians Rising Secret Rare $14.82 37.60%
Metagross - 178/162 Metagross 178 162 Metagross 178 162 Temporal Forces Illustration Rare $20.33 66.78%
Metagross V (Full Art) Metagross V Full Art Metagross V Full Art Chilling Reign Ultra Rare $3.34 -62.26%
Metagross VMAX (Secret) Metagross VMAX Metagross VMAX Chilling Reign Secret Rare $10.38 0.00%
M Metagross EX (Shiny)

M Metagross EX Shiny
XY Promos
$26.54 — 253.87%

Metagross EX (Shiny)

Metagross EX Shiny
XY Promos
$16.97 — 248.46%


POP Series 1
$3.14 — 90.30%


$2.69 — 295.59%


Supreme Victors
$3.52 — 262.89%


Legends Awakened
$6.44 — 183.70%


Hidden Legends
$25.55 — 809.25%


$27.73 — 859.52%


$1.30 — 73.33%

Metagross (49)

Metagross 49
Ancient Origins
$0.41 — 32.26%

Metagross (50)

Metagross 50
Ancient Origins
$1.92 — 380.00%

Metagross GX

Metagross GX
Guardians Rising
$1.83 — -9.41%

Metagross ex

Metagross ex
Hidden Legends
$96.00 — 167.04%


Celestial Storm
$0.75 — 50.00%

Metagross ex

Metagross ex
Power Keepers
$50.71 — 166.61%

Metagross V

Metagross V
Chilling Reign
$0.67 — -83.08%

Metagross Star

Metagross Star
Delta Species
$0.00 — -100.00%

Metagross VMAX

Metagross VMAX
Chilling Reign
$1.65 — -83.35%


Vivid Voltage
$0.15 — -40.00%


Silver Tempest
$0.26 — -59.38%

Metagross GX (Secret)

Metagross GX
Guardians Rising
$14.82 — 37.60%

Metagross VMAX (Secret)

Metagross VMAX
Chilling Reign
$10.38 — 0.00%