Thumbnail Umbreon
Pokedex Number # 197
Generation 2
Type Dark Dark 

The 10 Most Valuable Umbreon Pokemon Cards?

Want to know the best cards to pull for Umbreon. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Umbreon.

Umbreon VMAX (Alternate Art Secret)

Umbreon VMAX Alternate Art

$1,672.74 414.96%

Umbreon ex - 161/131

Umbreon ex 161 131

$1,518.76 -5.08%
1 Umbreon VMAX (Alternate Art Secret) Umbreon VMAX Alternate Art Evolving Skies Secret Rare $1,672.74 414.96%
2 Umbreon ex - 161/131 Umbreon ex 161 131 Prismatic Evolutions Special Illustration Rare $1,518.76 -5.08%
3 Umbreon ex Umbreon ex Unseen Forces Ultra Rare $999.99 400.00%
4 Umbreon (H30) Umbreon H30 Skyridge Holo Rare $430.00 3.20%
5 Umbreon (H29) Umbreon H29 Aquapolis Holo Rare $399.80 332.22%

Umbreon Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Umbreon. Complete with prices and trends.

Prime Challenge Box [Umbreon]

Prime Challenge Box Umbreon

— 0%

BREAKpoint 3 Pack Blister [Umbreon]

BREAKpoint 3 Pack Blister Umbreon

— 0%

Umbreon GX Premium Collection

Umbreon GX Premium Collection


TAG TEAM Powers Collection [Umbreon & Darkrai GX]

TAG TEAM Powers Collection Umbreon and Darkrai GX


Umbreon VMAX (Alternate Art Secret) Umbreon VMAX Alternate Art Secret Umbreon VMAX Alternate Art Secret Evolving Skies Secret Rare 1672.74 -0.06%
Umbreon ex - 161/131 Umbreon ex 161 131 Umbreon ex 161 131 Prismatic Evolutions Special Illustration Rare 1518.76 -0.42%
Umbreon ex Umbreon ex Umbreon ex Unseen Forces Ultra Rare 999.99 34.23%
Umbreon (H30) Umbreon H30 Umbreon H30 Skyridge Holo Rare 430.00 0.00%
Umbreon (H29) Umbreon H29 Umbreon H29 Aquapolis Holo Rare 399.80 0.00%
Umbreon Umbreon Umbreon Skyridge Rare 387.99 496.91%
Umbreon (Master Ball Pattern) Umbreon Master Ball Pattern Umbreon Master Ball Pattern Prismatic Evolutions Rare 321.72 -0.49%
Umbreon (13) Umbreon 13 Umbreon 13 Neo Discovery Holo Rare 269.64 9.58%
Umbreon V (Alternate Full Art) Umbreon V Alternate Full Art Umbreon V Alternate Full Art Evolving Skies Ultra Rare 249.65 -0.38%
Umbreon GX Umbreon GX Umbreon GX Hidden Fates: Shiny Vault Shiny Holo Rare 203.29 0.73%
Umbreon - 60/108 (Regional Championship Promo) Umbreon 60 108 Regional Championship Promo Umbreon 60 108 Regional Championship Promo League & Championship Cards Promo 141.64 8.97%
Umbreon (Delta Species) Umbreon Delta Species Umbreon Delta Species Delta Species Holo Rare 133.73 31.69%
Umbreon (Prime) Umbreon Prime Umbreon Prime Undaunted Ultra Rare 120.68 -0.07%
Umbreon & Darkrai GX - SM241 Umbreon and Darkrai GX SM241 Umbreon and Darkrai GX SM241 Sun & Moon Promos Promo 110.18 0.64%
Umbreon VMAX Umbreon VMAX Umbreon VMAX Brilliant Stars Trainer Gallery Ultra Rare 82.61 -0.77%
Umbreon EX (Full Art) Umbreon EX Full Art Umbreon EX Full Art Fates Collide Ultra Rare 63.03 -1.33%
Umbreon Umbreon Umbreon Call of Legends Holo Rare 56.58 2.44%
Umbreon V Umbreon V Umbreon V Brilliant Stars Trainer Gallery Ultra Rare 55.28 -0.09%
Umbreon Umbreon Umbreon Black and White Promos Holo Rare 53.26 3.04%
Umbreon Umbreon Umbreon Aquapolis Rare 52.46 -0.46%
Umbreon VMAX (Secret) Umbreon VMAX Secret Umbreon VMAX Secret Evolving Skies Secret Rare 51.01 -0.86%
Umbreon Star Umbreon Star Umbreon Star Celebrations: Classic Collection Classic Collection 50.45 0.36%
Umbreon GX (Secret) Umbreon GX Secret Umbreon GX Secret Sun & Moon Secret Rare 47.25 -0.32%
Umbreon Umbreon Umbreon Majestic Dawn Rare 41.64 0.75%
Umbreon (32) Umbreon 32 Umbreon 32 Neo Discovery Rare 41.38 1.92%
Umbreon VMAX (Alternate Art Secret)

Umbreon VMAX Alternate Art Secret
Evolving Skies
1672.74 — $ 1672.74 — -0.06%

Umbreon ex - 161/131

Umbreon ex 161 131
Prismatic Evolutions
1518.76 — $ 1518.76 — -0.42%

Umbreon ex

Umbreon ex
Unseen Forces
999.99 — $ 999.99 — 34.23%

Umbreon (H30)

Umbreon H30
430.00 — $ 430.00 — 0.00%

Umbreon (H29)

Umbreon H29
399.80 — $ 399.80 — 0.00%


387.99 — $ 387.99 — 496.91%

Umbreon (Master Ball Pattern)

Umbreon Master Ball Pattern
Prismatic Evolutions
321.72 — $ 321.72 — -0.49%

Umbreon (13)

Umbreon 13
Neo Discovery
269.64 — $ 269.64 — 9.58%

Umbreon V (Alternate Full Art)

Umbreon V Alternate Full Art
Evolving Skies
249.65 — $ 249.65 — -0.38%

Umbreon GX

Umbreon GX
Hidden Fates: Shiny Vault
203.29 — $ 203.29 — 0.73%

Umbreon (Delta Species)

Umbreon Delta Species
Delta Species
133.73 — $ 133.73 — 31.69%

Umbreon (Prime)

Umbreon Prime
120.68 — $ 120.68 — -0.07%

Umbreon & Darkrai GX - SM241

Umbreon and Darkrai GX SM241
Sun & Moon Promos
110.18 — $ 110.18 — 0.64%

Umbreon VMAX

Umbreon VMAX
Brilliant Stars Trainer Gallery
82.61 — $ 82.61 — -0.77%

Umbreon EX (Full Art)

Umbreon EX Full Art
Fates Collide
63.03 — $ 63.03 — -1.33%


Call of Legends
56.58 — $ 56.58 — 2.44%

Umbreon V

Umbreon V
Brilliant Stars Trainer Gallery
55.28 — $ 55.28 — -0.09%


Black and White Promos
53.26 — $ 53.26 — 3.04%


52.46 — $ 52.46 — -0.46%

Umbreon VMAX (Secret)

Umbreon VMAX Secret
Evolving Skies
51.01 — $ 51.01 — -0.86%

Umbreon Star

Umbreon Star
Celebrations: Classic Collection
50.45 — $ 50.45 — 0.36%

Umbreon GX (Secret)

Umbreon GX Secret
Sun & Moon
47.25 — $ 47.25 — -0.32%


Majestic Dawn
41.64 — $ 41.64 — 0.75%

Umbreon (32)

Umbreon 32
Neo Discovery
41.38 — $ 41.38 — 1.92%