Thumbnail Fezandipiti
Pokedex Number # 1016
Generation 9
Type Poison Poison  Fairy Fairy 

The 10 Most Valuable Fezandipiti Pokemon Cards?

Want to know the best cards to pull for Fezandipiti. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Fezandipiti.

Fezandipiti ex - 084/064

Fezandipiti ex 084 064

$12.80 -69.25%

Fezandipiti ex - 038/064

Fezandipiti ex 038 064

$10.36 -49.78%
1 Fezandipiti ex - 084/064 Fezandipiti ex 084 064 Shrouded Fable Ultra Rare $12.80 -69.25%
2 Fezandipiti ex - 038/064 Fezandipiti ex 038 064 Shrouded Fable Double Rare $10.36 -49.78%
3 Fezandipiti Fezandipiti Shrouded Fable Illustration Rare $5.30 -84.86%
4 Fezandipiti Fezandipiti Twilight Masquerade Rare $0.09 -65.38%

Fezandipiti Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Fezandipiti. Complete with prices and trends.

Fable Mini Tin (Fezandipiti)

Fable Mini Tin Fezandipiti
